September 2021, the volume of Jawa Barat air transportation passengers has increased by 127.41 percent (m-to-m) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Regency

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September 2021, the volume of Jawa Barat air transportation passengers has increased by 127.41 percent (m-to-m)

Release Date : November 1, 2021
File Size : 1.71 MB


  • The number of departures for domestic commercial air transportation passengers in Jawa Barat in September 2021 was 5,269 people, an increase of 127.41 percent compared to August 2021 which was recorded at 2,317 people. The number of cargoes via Jawa Barat domestic flights including goods, baggage and post/packages in September 2021 reached 184.70 tons or an increase of 184.63 percent compared to August 2021.
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