Jawa Barat`s Economy in Quarter II-2021 Increases by 6.13 Percent (y-on-y) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Regency

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Jawa Barat`s Economy in Quarter II-2021 Increases by 6.13 Percent (y-on-y)

Jawa Barat`s Economy in Quarter II-2021 Increases by 6.13 Percent (y-on-y)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 5, 2021
File Size : 1.64 MB


  • Jawa Barat's economy in this quarter year on year grew by 6.13 percent, while cumulatively until the second quarter of 2021 it grew 2.54 percent.
  • On a constant price, the nominal GRDP of West Java in the second quarter of 2021 was IDR 374.69 trillion
  • As year on year, in terms of production, almost all business fields grew positively except for agriculture and education services
  • On the expenditure side, year on year, the main components such as household consumption expenditure (PKRT), gross fixed capital formation (PMTB) and exports grew positively
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