National Statistics Day Commemorative Appeal For 2024 BPS Bogor Region - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Regency

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National Statistics Day Commemorative Appeal For 2024 BPS Bogor Region

National Statistics Day Commemorative Appeal For 2024 BPS Bogor Region

September 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday (26/9) BPS of Bogor Region holds an appeal in commemoration of the National Statistics Day Year 2024 at the Bogor Region BPS Office. Agus Nuwibowo, S. Yes, M. M, Statistics Member of Media BPS Bogor Region acting as Builder on the said apple.

Statistics is not just numbers and calculations, but Statistics is the key to every decision making. With quality statistical data, decision-making in policy making will be data-driven to fit needs and on target.

Happy National Statistics Day 2024 Continue to collaborate to create Quality Statistics for Golden Indonesia.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Bogor (Statistics of Bogor Regency)Jl. Bersih

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