The BPS Performance of Bogor Regency in 2018 Increases Significantly - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Regency

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The BPS Performance of Bogor Regency in 2018 Increases Significantly

The BPS Performance of Bogor Regency in 2018 Increases Significantly

March 1, 2019 | Other Activities

Achievement of the Performance of BPS in Bogor Regency 2018
The achievement of the Bogor Regency BPS 2018 is the achievement of indicators of strategic objectives and targets during 2018. Performance achievements are calculated based on the comparison between realization with the 2018 PK target set at the beginning of the year. Performance achievements of each of the strategic goals and objectives can be seen in the following review.
Achievement of First Purpose Performance
The first objective is "improving data quality", measured by the percentage indicator of consumers who are satisfied with the quality of statistical data. The first goal is achieved by two strategic objectives, namely: (1) Increased user trust in the quality of BPS data, (2) Increased quality of relationships with data sources (Respondent Engagement). Performance achievements from indicators that measure these strategic goals and objectives can be seen in the table below.


Based on the table above, the first goal has been achieved with a achievement rate of 109.23 percent. The average achievement of the first objective strategic target indicator was 112.79 percent. This shows that the overall goal of the first objective has been achieved. When viewed from each indicator, all strategic target indicators show their achievements above 100 percent, namely: indicator "Percentage of response rate (response rate) survey with a household approach; business approach; and non-household and non-business approaches ".
Although the first goal has been achieved, efforts to improve the quality of statistical data continue to be carried out by BPS. Efforts to improve data quality are done through improving management (business process reengineering) and utilization of Technology, Information and Communication (ICT).
The 2015-2019 Statistical Business Framework and Architecture (Statistical Business Framework and Architecture - SBFA) can be seen in the following chart:
Figure 7. Development of a Statistical Business Framework and Architecture
The need to produce the National Balance Sheet is a priority in the framework of improving the business process of surveys in BPS. The improvement framework also considers the framework of corporate statistical infrastructure needs to support all processes identified in the model. In this SBFA all the needs of business changes are needed, the framework of statistical infrastructure, data management and metadata, the needs of integrated systems to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes built, organizational alignment needs to support changes in business processes and competency requirements. HR to guarantee business changes can be carried out by BPS employees as stipulated.
Achievement of the Second Objective Performance
The second objective is "improved service excellence from statistical activities", measured by the indicator Percentage of consumers who are satisfied with BPS data services. The second goal is achieved with one strategic goal, namely the increasing quality of relationships with data users (User Engagement). Performance achievements from indicators that measure these strategic goals and objectives can be seen in the table below.

Based on the table above, the second goal was also achieved with a achievement rate of 117.36 percent. The average achievement of the second objective strategic target indicator is 259.39 percent. This shows that the overall objective of the second objective has been achieved. In Table 4, it can be seen that the overall indicator of the second objective strategic goal has reached above 100 percent. Indicator Percentage of consumers who are satisfied with BPS data access is the indicator with the most fantastic achievement of 577.80 percent.
The second objective is realized through Integrated Statistics Services (PST). The motto applied in PST is serving with the heart. BPS won the title of compliance with the Law on Public Services. According to the Ombudsman, BPS public services are in the green zone or the level of compliance is high.
Achievement of Third Purpose Performance
The third objective is "Strengthening the National Statistics System through effective coordination and guidance in the field of statistics", measured by the amount of metadata of sectoral and special statistical activities collected. The third objective is achieved with one strategic goal, namely: Increased coordination and cooperation in the implementation of BPS human resource management SSN, measured by the amount of metadata of sectoral and special statistical activities collected. Performance achievements from indicators that measure these strategic goals and objectives can be seen in the table below.


Based on the table above, the achievement of the third objective strategic target indicators is 142.86 percent. This shows that the achievement of this indicator has been achieved with satisfactory achievements.
Achievement of the Fourth Goal Performance
The fourth objective is "Improving accountable bureaucracy", he said
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